Thursday, June 21, 2018

Nidstang, Mourning Cloak and Thirst For Light oh my

After seemingly forever the new Nidstang album is finally complete! You can check it out HERE. This album has a much heavier sound to it due to it being recorded in a more legit studio and not just by me in my bedroom. Musically and lyrically it may be even a bit more extreme, it was written and recorded in the heart of winter when i was going through a particularly bad bout of depression and i think it comes through. The last track is also a strange reinterpretation of a classic Ildjarn track from the mid 90's. Tape comes on pro-dubbed and inlayed silver cassettes with shimmery cardstock Jcard and is limited to 100 copies. Contact me at to attain copies.

Nidstang will be playing one of very few shows as a live incarnation on Thursday July 5th at Cryptatropa with one of my favorite bands, ICESWORD! fucking love those guys. will be a great show and a very rre opportunity to see Nidstang in a live setting.

Secondly Ive been playing 2nd drums in With the End in Mind, an atmospheric BM band also from Olympia and we will be playing shows on monday the 25th at Thirst For Light and the following night, Tuesday the 26th at the Crypt here in Oly. 

I will be at TFL for most of the weekend and will have all of my currently available releases with me as well as my cassette and possibly vinyl distros. If you're there you should at least come say hi!

Lastly I would like to announce a new dark ambient solo project I've started titled Mourning Cloak. I've been working on some new material and should be recording an album sometime this summer. For now, I will be performing a collaborative set with Hariwa Heron (Micheal from Alda/River/Ekstasis..etc) at Dog Farm on Friday June 29th along with locals Serak and amazing touring band a Whisper Wakes the Wolves. Hit me up if you need the address or directions.

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