Soooo it appears that i havn't posted in quite some time. Things have been busy around here this last year and I guess I've neglected my internet presence even more then usual.... oh well!
So the Huldrekall/Spektral Hatchery split came out. 1 track each from both bands of some seriously high quality material. I personally believe that the Huldrekall track is our strongest song to date, but give it a listen on bandcamp and you be the judge. Tapes are available through the bandcamp page or through oldschool email, just hit me up and let me know what you'd like and where you're at and ill send you a total including shipping.
In more recent news, Huldrekall played the Cascadian Yule festival last month. The fest went over very well and was a great experience per usual. We have 2 shows coming up soon, the first will be on 2/4 at the Oldschool Pizzeria with Cyberplasm and Carrion Bloom (ill post a flyer when one appears)

The 2nd will be the following night at Cryptatropa with Striations, Human Agony and Meth Goat. Both shows should be brutal as fuck, come out if you can!
In other news, I am pleased to announce that i will be soon entering into the studio to record a full length with my new project titled Cloudling. The album will be 6 tracks of ethereal synths and majestic acoustics, similer in some ways to my work with River but considerably more ambient. I will post more info soon.
I suppose while on the topic of River, after 6 years of silence, we have finally finished recording our new album. We are now in the mixing process and i will post a prerelease track once its available.
Much more news to come, hopefully much sooner then later...
So the Huldrekall/Spektral Hatchery split came out. 1 track each from both bands of some seriously high quality material. I personally believe that the Huldrekall track is our strongest song to date, but give it a listen on bandcamp and you be the judge. Tapes are available through the bandcamp page or through oldschool email, just hit me up and let me know what you'd like and where you're at and ill send you a total including shipping.
In more recent news, Huldrekall played the Cascadian Yule festival last month. The fest went over very well and was a great experience per usual. We have 2 shows coming up soon, the first will be on 2/4 at the Oldschool Pizzeria with Cyberplasm and Carrion Bloom (ill post a flyer when one appears)

The 2nd will be the following night at Cryptatropa with Striations, Human Agony and Meth Goat. Both shows should be brutal as fuck, come out if you can!
In other news, I am pleased to announce that i will be soon entering into the studio to record a full length with my new project titled Cloudling. The album will be 6 tracks of ethereal synths and majestic acoustics, similer in some ways to my work with River but considerably more ambient. I will post more info soon.
I suppose while on the topic of River, after 6 years of silence, we have finally finished recording our new album. We are now in the mixing process and i will post a prerelease track once its available.
Much more news to come, hopefully much sooner then later...